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COVID-19: Updates On Our Legal Services

COVID-19: Updates on our legal services

COVID-19: Updates on our legal services


During this challenging time, the lawyers at AYOUN LAW want to ensure our community that we stand together.

We are offering free legal information around the clock.

The team at AYOUN LAW understands that people may have wanted to pursue a legal matter but have been restricted to stay home, for this reason, we advise that people use our phone line to make that call to seek more information for whatever legal matter you may need help with.

Inspired by a firm in Calgary, our services of free legal information are aimed at those who are in dire need of legal help during the pandemic.

There have been reoccurring questions from clients, they are addressed below:


Question: Do I still need to send my child for an access visit to their parent?

Answer: The answer to this situation is complex but has been addressed below in segments however if you do not find the answer below do not hesitate to call our team at AYOUN LAW.

Mandatory Self-IsolationIf you and your child have been told to self-isolate, you must continue to follow the order. For instance, you recently traveled and are required to self-isolate for 14 days. Currently, COVID – 19 mandatory self-isolation requirements are key for everyone’s health.

Agreement Says Meet in a Public Place If your Court Order or Agreement had outlined a public meeting place to have the child(ren), small changes to these arrangements should be made. Discuss with the other parent that in pressing times like this, it is not reasonable to meet in a public place. Both parents should canvas the possibility of meeting in a safe environment. It is always important to keep safety in mind.

There is no Court Order or AgreementIf you are not required to self-isolate it has been stated that all parties should try to follow their child’s routine schedule as much as possible. However, if you feel that the other parent is not following the recommended Governmental Guidelines on how to reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19 you might consider the following: COVID-19: Updates on our legal services.

  1. Talk to the other parent about your genuine concern
  2. You might want to speak to a family lawyer
  3. You might want to go to court for an urgent matter concerning the health and safety of your child.
  4. You can also contact your local court and ask them if your personal matter qualifies as ‘urgent’ in your area.

COVID-19 is Not an Excuse to Say No Access- If you feel that the other parent is abusing the current COVID-19 situation and denying access you must express your concern. It should firmly be stated that it cannot be used as an excuse to deny access. If a parent wants to deny access, they must have detailed evidence and examples of concerning behavior or instances of the parent not following the COVID-19 health and safety mandatory guidelines.

Lastly, if you feel like you need to reach out to a lawyer urgently call a trusted family lawyer in your area. The team at AYOUN LAW are here to offer free information in this overwhelming state of emergency. COVID-19: Updates on our legal services.

Question: My work is closed due to the pandemic and I have no money to pay support payments.

Answer: If you are unable to make spousal or child support payments you may want to consider the following:

  1. Talk to the recipient of support payments and explain to them your current financial situation. Expressing your emotions during a Pandemic is encouraged. No one should live in a state of suppression during this time of emergency.
  2. If the recipient is unable to accept your situation you may consider talking to a lawyer for brining a Motion to Change. However, as of March 16, 2020, Ontario Family Courts are only open for urgent matters because of COVID-19. A Motion to Change is not considered an urgent matter. In a situation as such, you can consider documenting your current position or speaking to a family lawyer to organize your legal matter so that when courts resume as normal you are instantly ready to file your Motion to Change.
  3. You can also consider dipping into your own savings to avoid certain notices that may be sent by the Family Responsibility Office.

Governmental Support

In case you have not heard, there are some financial relief options offered by the Federal Government. You may want to consider talking to your Financial Account or reading online for the various options that are available to your unique situation. The Economic Response Plan will help support Canadians and their businesses. Further information can be found here


  1. Talking to the recipient about partial payments now and paying the rest later when things resume to normal.
  2. The Governmental support can aid in paying towards your support payments.

Question: I am a woman at home facing domestic violence, what can I do? Can I flee this violence?

Answer: If you need help you must call the police and report your domestic abuse or emergency! Police Officers are currently working around the clock to ensure our community is safe.

You do not need to hesitate! Call the Police if you are facing domestic violence.

Further, you should know that the Federal Government is supporting women and children fleeing violence, they are providing up to $50 million to women’s shelters and sexual assault centers to help with their capacity to manage or prevent an outbreak in their facilities.

You may also want to consider talking to a family lawyer to help assist you with your emergency situation and provide information. You must be reminded, however, advice for such a sensitive situation can never be provided over the phone.

If you have further questions and would like to seek free information from a trusted lawyer, call the team at AYOUN LAW. We will try our level best to address your concerns.

NOTE: You must be reminded that advice cannot be given over the phone. We will gladly provide our community with free legal information. COVID-19: Updates on our legal services.

Vital to keep in mind social distancing measures Public Health has described for us!

COVID-19: Updates on our legal services

Stay Home, Stay Safe. Help Break the Chain of Infection.

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