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Family Lawyer In Mississauga | Mississauga Law Firm

Family Lawyer in Mississauga | Mississauga Law Firm

Family Lawyer in Mississauga

Personable, Efficient, Fast Acting, Located in Central Mississauga

Family Lawyer in Mississauga. The team at AYOUN LAW is one of the best family lawyers located in Central Mississauga. Just minutes away from Square One Shopping Centre and seconds away from the Mississauga Bus Stop. We appreciate that dealing with family matters can be very overwhelming and sensitive so encourage our clients to take advantage of the 20-minute consultation. Our prerogative is to ensure that your legal issues are dealt with swiftly, efficiently and with personal care. We are a bilingual firm just ask if we speak your language! Family Lawyer in Mississauga.

What We Can Help You With?

  • Negotiating Family Settlements
  • Women Lawyers
  • Male Lawyers
  • Child Protection Orders
  • Divorce Proceedings
  • Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreements (known as Marriage Contracts in Ontario)
  • Separation Agreements
  • Cohabitational Agreements
  • Paternity Agreements
  • Custody Agreements
  • Spousal Support
  • Same-Sex Divorce
  • Travel Letters for Minors

Mississauga Family Lawyers

Our team here to serve you:

  • Mississauga Family Lawyers
  • Mississauga Divorce Lawyers
  • How to File for Divorce in Ontario
  • Child Support Lawyers
  • Child Custody Lawyers
  • Spousal Support On or After Divorce
  • Child Support On or After Divorce
  • Prenup and Postnup Lawyers
  • Divorce Lawyer for Women
  • Divorce Lawyer for Men
  • Divorce Lawyer in Urdu, Punjabi, Hindi, and English
  • Domestic Agreements

My Partner and I Have Separated. What Will Happen Next?

Family Lawyer in Mississauga. AYOUN LAW can be contacted at the earliest so that we can assist you in making informed decisions regarding your circumstances like child support, spousal support, finances, and division of property. Once you have firmly decided that you have separated or want a divorce you should consider the following:

  • Who will reside in the family home?
  • Who will take care of the children?
  • Who will get to keep the family pet(s)?
  • Will you and your ex-partner co-parent?
  • How will all your joint assets or investments be dealt with?

AYOUN LAW Family Lawyers

By booking a 20-minute free consultation with the team at AYOUN LAW you are provided a unique opportunity to canvas the possible answers to the questions above.

Spousal Support

 The case of Moge v Moge,1992 3 SCR 813 at 849 lays the concept of spousal support clearly, “A husband in need has just as much right to seek spousal support from his financially independent wife as she has if their financial situation reversed.” Family Lawyer in Mississauga.

Spousal support is payments made from one party to another after separation or divorce. The concept can be misleading, to clarify it is payments made to an ex-spouse. The purpose of the support is not to obtain a windfall but to acknowledge that each party made a certain level of financial contribution to the relationship.

This is not an automatic right. Support payments must be requested and before being requested it must be determined if a party is eligible for the spousal support payments. The team at AYOUN LAW can help you ascertain your eligibility and discuss your options further. Call Now.

Child Support

Family Lawyer in Mississauga. Child support is a right that belongs to a child. If you are the primary caretaker of the child(ren) and they live with you majority of the time, the other parent may be required to make child support payments.

The Federal Child Support Guidelines regulate the jurisdiction of the courts to order child support. Child support payments are based on gross annual income and the number of children entitled to support payments. Whilst the child(ren) may spend equal time with each parent, it may be that the parent with the higher income may still find themselves having to pay child support.

If you an obligor (parent making child support payments) and find that you might be moving out of the province or Canada call our team at AYOUN LAW for details.

Mississauga Custody Lawyers

Property and Assets – Division

Married Couples:

If you were married and decide to separate or divorce, the property between the parties is seen as ‘shared’.

Equalization is a concept applied to the division of property. In order to ascertain an accurate amount of what rightfully belongs to you or is owed to you start by making a list. See the table as an example:

Assets Debts
Car $12,000.00 Line of Credit $10,000.00
Painting $19,000.00 Visa Card $3,000.00


Family Lawyer in Mississauga. Once you account for all your assets and debts you can calculate your Net Family Property (NFP). NFP is used to calculate how much a married party is worth towards the end of their marriage. It is worth talking to a trusted lawyer to help calculate your NFP. Call Now.

Co-Habiting Couples:

Different rules apply to cohabit couples. Call now for a free 20-minute consultation to find out more.

Questions for all couples to think about are:

  • How is the property to be valued?
  • How will the sharing of the certain property be achieved?
  • Are we open to sell a certain property?

Quality Service and Fast Acting

Family Lawyer in Mississauga. Whilst we may not be able to control the other party’s behavior or cooperation, we do guarantee that we will provide you with a strong course of action, personable service and take into account your financial situation. We always act to ensure that you feel satisfied that you and your child’s interests are protected. The team at AYOUN LAW offer a 20-minute free consultation to determine your particular matter, we are a team eager to resolve your issues and help you move forward with your life.

If you feel that a payment plan is needed to ask about our very exclusive NO INTEREST payment plan. At AYOUN LAW we believe that interest is not something you should be worried about if you have requested a payment plan.

Trial and Litigation

The team at AYOUN LAW tries their level best to achieve early results. We truly believe in negotiation and mediation. Our previous clients vouch for us. However, when this stream is exhausted a family lawyer’s focus will shift towards preparation for trial and litigation in family court. Family Lawyer in Mississauga.

Trial and litigation preparation may include drafting defense statements intertwined with case law in order to support each argument put forward. Additionally, the team will prepare you for your trial. We will correspond to you immediately and manage your changes. Our team acts to provide peace of mind for any trial process.

Separation Agreement

There are various types of domestic contracts and they have one thing in common, they are formal written contracts signed by the parties and witnessed.

Legal separation agreements are used to regulate the party’s rights and obligations on its termination. Usually, parties will entre a separation agreement when they have decided that being together is no longer an option and they would like to respectfully part.

When our clients ask us to draft their separation agreement the lawyers at AYOUN LAW ask them to think about the following items:

  • Parenting Plan
  • Settlement of Property
  • Bank Accounts and Joint Bank Accounts
  • Ownership of any Pets
  • Division of valuables like paintings or furniture
  • Ownership of cars

The lawyers at AYOUN LAW will draft your agreement in particular to your unique lifestyle and needs. We always ensure draft edits to ensure satisfaction at no extra cost. Family Lawyer in Mississauga.

Family Lawyer for Women in Ontario, Canada

Dealing with Immigration & Family Issues:

Our firm has experienced a high volume of calls expressing the need for a family lawyer for women. If you or someone you know are having family difficulties call 905-232-2793.

We speak Urdu, Punjabi, and Hindi

Family Law Issues for Immigrant and Non-Status Men and Women

Family Lawyer in Mississauga. Dealing with a family breakdown is difficult. If you or your partner came to Canada from another country, both you and your partner may face intertwined immigration and family law challenges if your relation heads towards the end. For instance, you will have to make an informed decision as it pertains to financial support, child arrangements and how you move to divide the certain shared property.

In particular, if you are not a Canadian citizen, your immigration status may be linked with your partners or if you have sponsored someone and you feel it was a  marriage of convenience you may worry about:

  1. Whether they can stay in Canada?
  2. Will you be separated from your children?
  3. Will you have to financially support the sponsored partner?
  4. If you sponsored your partner will you be held liable for all their monetary expenses?
  5. What is the first step if the relationship has ended?

Your Rights in Family Court:

Know that you can go to Family Court regardless of what immigration status you hold.

The process you may face can be intertwined with Immigrational issues. The legal status you currently hold may come into question and be the topic of attention for an immigration officer, potentially leading to deportation. The right to remain in Canada depends on your current situation and how well the legal rules are applied to your legal matter. To protect yourself and your children you must know all your rights and the options available to you. This is why it is important to hire a trusted lawyer that can talk you through the matter and protect your legal interests. Family Lawyer in Mississauga.

When a relationship ends, and one of you were sponsored the legal status around this has become very complex. It is extremely important you begin your search for a lawyer that has knowledge surrounding immigration and family law. You will want to set up a meeting to discuss the legal options available to you.

The first meeting with a lawyer from AYOUN LAW will begin with the discussion of your materialized facts and next to an in-depth engagement of the legality that surrounds your particular legal matter.

If Your Partner Sponsored You:

If your partner sponsored you and you are now a permanent resident but your relationship ends, your immigration status could be at risk and you may be removed from Canada. You need to consider how to move in order to protect your immigration status.

Note: Always remember if someone is telling you that you have to leave Canada just because your relationship has ended, you should not follow this advice. You cannot be removed from Canada just because you and your partner have decided to end the relationship. Family Lawyer in Mississauga.

Know that your partner may still be financially responsible to you for 3 years after you are granted your status. If your sponsor refuses to support you, you can apply for assistance or support yourself.

If You Are The Sponsor:

If you sponsored your partner and the relationship has come to an end you must be aware of certain legal issues. You may begin to face immigration and family law issues.

Firstly know that you may be financially responsible for your ex-partner until the 3-year sponsorship period comes to an end. If your ex-partner decides to go on social assistance and attain a loan, goes to school and gets OSAP or any sort of loan during this period, you may have to repay this money, even if you did not know about it before.


The team at AYOUN LAW deals with both immigration and family law issues. To set up a safe contactless meeting call 905-232-2793.

If you feel inept with technology do not worry! The staff is friendly and ready to meet whilst practicing social distancing. The appointments are set up on one client the only rule and the office is meticulously cleaned! Family Lawyer in Mississauga.


(This page is meant to give a basic understanding of legal information, not legal advise)

You must call a lawyer for legal advise!

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